Hostapd - napravite Access Point

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Poznata ličnost

Posts: 100
Joined: 04 Jun 2010, 06:28

Post Napisano: 24 Feb 2012, 17:49

Prošle godine sam uzeo Nokiju C3 koja ima wifi.
Bio sam spreman da kupim i wireless-ruter ali sam se dosta nećkao i urodilo je plodom.

Pre par nedelja uspeo sam da namestim svoj netbook[ Asus eeePC 4G Surf ]
za potrebe privremenog rutera. ... k/hostapd/
Hostapd je sjajan program koji dolazi sa drajverima potrebnim za konverziju Vaše bežične kartice u repetitor tj. AccessPoint.
napomena: neke kartice ne podržavaju taj mod.

Konfigurisanje hostapd-a,
par bitnih stavki:
- odabrati odgovarajući drajver za Vasu karticu
- upisivanje SSID
- podešavanje pristupne liste - MAC adrese - [sigurnost]
- odabrati pristupnu listu - [sigurnost]

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##### hostapd configuration file ##############################################
# Empty lines and lines starting with # are ignored

# AP netdevice name (without 'ap' postfix, i.e., wlan0 uses wlan0ap for
# management frames); ath0 for madwifi

# In case of madwifi and nl80211 driver interfaces, an additional configuration
# parameter, bridge, must be used to notify hostapd if the interface is
# included in a bridge. This parameter is not used with Host AP driver.

# Driver interface type (hostap/wired/madwifi/prism54/test/none/nl80211/bsd);
# default: hostap). nl80211 is used with all Linux mac80211 drivers.
# Use driver=none if building hostapd as a standalone RADIUS server that does
# not control any wireless/wired driver.

# hostapd event logger configuration
# Two output method: syslog and stdout (only usable if not forking to
# background).
# Module bitfield (ORed bitfield of modules that will be logged; -1 = all
# modules):
# bit 0 (1) = IEEE 802.11
# bit 1 (2) = IEEE 802.1X
# bit 2 (4) = RADIUS
# bit 3 (8) = WPA
# bit 4 (16) = driver interface
# bit 5 (32) = IAPP
# bit 6 (64) = MLME
# Levels (minimum value for logged events):
#  0 = verbose debugging
#  1 = debugging
#  2 = informational messages
#  3 = notification
#  4 = warning

# Dump file for state information (on SIGUSR1)

# Interface for separate control program. If this is specified, hostapd
# will create this directory and a UNIX domain socket for listening to requests
# from external programs (CLI/GUI, etc.) for status information and
# configuration. The socket file will be named based on the interface name, so
# multiple hostapd processes/interfaces can be run at the same time if more
# than one interface is used.
# /var/run/hostapd is the recommended directory for sockets and by default,
# hostapd_cli will use it when trying to connect with hostapd.

# Access control for the control interface can be configured by setting the
# directory to allow only members of a group to use sockets. This way, it is
# possible to run hostapd as root (since it needs to change network
# configuration and open raw sockets) and still allow GUI/CLI components to be
# run as non-root users. However, since the control interface can be used to
# change the network configuration, this access needs to be protected in many
# cases. By default, hostapd is configured to use gid 0 (root). If you
# want to allow non-root users to use the contron interface, add a new group
# and change this value to match with that group. Add users that should have
# control interface access to this group.
# This variable can be a group name or gid.

##### IEEE 802.11 related configuration #######################################

# SSID to be used in IEEE 802.11 management frames

# Country code (ISO/IEC 3166-1). Used to set regulatory domain.
# Set as needed to indicate country in which device is operating.
# This can limit available channels and transmit power.

# Enable IEEE 802.11d. This advertises the country_code and the set of allowed
# channels and transmit power levels based on the regulatory limits. The
# country_code setting must be configured with the correct country for
# IEEE 802.11d functions.
# (default: 0 = disabled)

# Operation mode (a = IEEE 802.11a, b = IEEE 802.11b, g = IEEE 802.11g,
# Default: IEEE 802.11b

# Channel number (IEEE 802.11)
# (default: 0, i.e., not set)
# Please note that some drivers (e.g., madwifi) do not use this value from
# hostapd and the channel will need to be configuration separately with
# iwconfig.

# Beacon interval in kus (1.024 ms) (default: 100; range 15..65535)

# DTIM (delivery trafic information message) period (range 1..255):
# number of beacons between DTIMs (1 = every beacon includes DTIM element)
# (default: 2)

# Maximum number of stations allowed in station table. New stations will be
# rejected after the station table is full. IEEE 802.11 has a limit of 2007
# different association IDs, so this number should not be larger than that.
# (default: 2007)

# RTS/CTS threshold; 2347 = disabled (default); range 0..2347
# If this field is not included in hostapd.conf, hostapd will not control
# RTS threshold and 'iwconfig wlan# rts <val>' can be used to set it.

# Fragmentation threshold; 2346 = disabled (default); range 256..2346
# If this field is not included in hostapd.conf, hostapd will not control
# fragmentation threshold and 'iwconfig wlan# frag <val>' can be used to set
# it.

# Rate configuration
# Default is to enable all rates supported by the hardware. This configuration
# item allows this list be filtered so that only the listed rates will be left
# in the list. If the list is empty, all rates are used. This list can have
# entries that are not in the list of rates the hardware supports (such entries
# are ignored). The entries in this list are in 100 kbps, i.e., 11 Mbps = 110.
# If this item is present, at least one rate have to be matching with the rates
# hardware supports.
# default: use the most common supported rate setting for the selected
# hw_mode (i.e., this line can be removed from configuration file in most
# cases)
#supported_rates=10 20 55 110 60 90 120 180 240 360 480 540

# Basic rate set configuration
# List of rates (in 100 kbps) that are included in the basic rate set.
# If this item is not included, usually reasonable default set is used.
#basic_rates=10 20
#basic_rates=10 20 55 110
#basic_rates=60 120 240

# Short Preamble
# This parameter can be used to enable optional use of short preamble for
# frames sent at 2 Mbps, 5.5 Mbps, and 11 Mbps to improve network performance.
# This applies only to IEEE 802.11b-compatible networks and this should only be
# enabled if the local hardware supports use of short preamble. If any of the
# associated STAs do not support short preamble, use of short preamble will be
# disabled (and enabled when such STAs disassociate) dynamically.
# 0 = do not allow use of short preamble (default)
# 1 = allow use of short preamble

# Station MAC address -based authentication
# Please note that this kind of access control requires a driver that uses
# hostapd to take care of management frame processing and as such, this can be
# used with driver=hostap or driver=nl80211, but not with driver=madwifi.
# 0 = accept unless in deny list
# 1 = deny unless in accept list
# 2 = use external RADIUS server (accept/deny lists are searched first)

# Accept/deny lists are read from separate files (containing list of
# MAC addresses, one per line). Use absolute path name to make sure that the
# files can be read on SIGHUP configuration reloads.

# IEEE 802.11 specifies two authentication algorithms. hostapd can be
# configured to allow both of these or only one. Open system authentication
# should be used with IEEE 802.1X.
# Bit fields of allowed authentication algorithms:
# bit 0 = Open System Authentication
# bit 1 = Shared Key Authentication (requires WEP)

# Send empty SSID in beacons and ignore probe request frames that do not
# specify full SSID, i.e., require stations to know SSID.
# default: disabled (0)
# 1 = send empty (length=0) SSID in beacon and ignore probe request for
#     broadcast SSID
# 2 = clear SSID (ASCII 0), but keep the original length (this may be required
#     with some clients that do not support empty SSID) and ignore probe
#     requests for broadcast SSID
napomena: ovo nije kompletan konfiguracioni kod već samo onaj deo koji se najčešće podešava.

Da bi internet funkcionisao na telefonu, potrebna su mala podešavanja:
- dati statičku adresu wireless kartici
- otvoriti portove
- preusmeriti saobraćaj sa eth0 na wlan0
sve je u skripti.

Pošto ne želim da moj laptop bude konstantno u AP modu,
tu je skripta koju pokrećem za te potrebe:

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#Simple script and HOW-TO
# for a 'hostapd' and ASUSeeePC4GSurf
# Setting wireless IP-address
ifconfig wlan0
# Enabling TCP/IP Forwarding on ASUS
echo "1" >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT
# Routing: wlan0 to eth0
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE
hostapd /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf
Na svom telefonu sam podesio adresu:
Nameštanju dhcp-a nisam baš vičan a ovako mi deluje više 'resource friendly'.

Hostapd dolazi sa rc.hostapd skriptom koju ja smatram suvišnom za svoje privremene i skromne potrebe za po kući. ... rc.hostapd
uspostavljena veza. : )

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