странник wrote:Добродошли!
Имам сајт. Желим да се направи резервна копија. Ја могу користити црон.
Ако неко наишао копирате сајтове, шоу.
Ја бих нешто овако:
Code: Select all
tar -zcvf /home/user/backup_$(date +"%d-%m-%y")_.tar.gz /home/user/site ; mysqldump -hlocalhost -uUser -pDBpassword db_name --all-databases | gzip > /home/user/db_backup_$(date +"%d-%m-%y")_.gz && curl --user USER:PASSWORD -T "/home/user/*backup*" https://webdav.yandex.ru/backup/ && rm /home/user/*backup*
Немам много искуства с тим што ти треба, али знам да помоћу ове скрипте можеш урадити
backup/mirror странице веб сајта, директоријума или партиције хард диска.
Code: Select all
#! /bin/bash
#Pmirror - gui for mirdir
#Sigmund Berglund
#Copyright 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013
#120816 rodin.s: i18n
export TEXTDOMAIN=pmirror
. gettext.sh
#Pmirror is released under the GNU General Public License (GPL). You have the right to use and modify this software in any way you like, so long as any derivative works remain under a GPL license.
#This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
#See the GNU General Public License homepage for more details. <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
SOURCEDIR=`grep sourcedir $HOME/.pmirror_config 2> /dev/null | sed -e s/^.*\=//g`
MIRRORDIR=`grep mirrordir $HOME/.pmirror_config 2> /dev/null | sed -e s/^.*\=//g`
EXCEPTION_FILE=`grep exception_file $HOME/.pmirror_config 2> /dev/null | sed -e s/^.*\=//g`
echo "echo " $SOURCEDIR > /tmp/pm_source_dir
echo "echo " $MIRRORDIR > /tmp/pm_mirror_dir
echo "echo " $EXCEPTION_FILE > /tmp/pm_exception_dir
echo -e "\c" > /tmp/pm_mirdir
chmod 777 /tmp/pm_source_dir
chmod 777 /tmp/pm_mir*
chmod 777 /tmp/pm_exc*
#-----get nr of days beetween last mirrorday and today
MIRRORDATE=`grep mirrordate $HOME/.pmirror_config 2> /dev/null | sed -e s/^.*\=//g`
TODAY_SEC=`date +%s`
TODAY_DAYS=`expr $TODAY_SEC / 60 / 60 / 24`
TMP=`echo $MIRRORDATE | sed -e "s/\// /g" | awk '{print $2} {print $1} {print $3}'`
MIRRORDATE1=`echo $TMP | sed -e "s/ /\//g"`
MIRRORDATE_SEC=`date -d $MIRRORDATE1 +%s 2> /dev/null`
MIRRORDATE_DAYS=`expr $MIRRORDATE_SEC / 60 / 60 / 24 2> /dev/null`
DAYS=`expr $TODAY_DAYS - $MIRRORDATE_DAYS 2> /dev/null`
if test -z $MIRRORDATE; then
echo -e " $(gettext 'It seems to be your first run of Pmirror.\n Please read HELP for information.')" > /tmp/pm_progress
echo -e " `eval_gettext \"Last Mirror of listed directory was "\\\$DAYS" days ago.\"`" > /tmp/pm_progress
export Pmirror='
<window title="'$(gettext 'Pmirror - mirror/backup utility')'">
<text><label>'$(gettext 'Source dir')'</label></text>
<entry accept="directory"><variable>SOURCEDIR</variable><input>/tmp/pm_source_dir</input></entry>
<input file stock="gtk-open"></input>
<action type="fileselect">SOURCEDIR</action>
<text><label>'$(gettext 'Mirror dir')'</label></text>
<entry accept="directory"><variable>MIRRORDIR</variable><input>/tmp/pm_mirror_dir</input></entry>
<input file stock="gtk-open"></input>
<action type="fileselect">MIRRORDIR</action>
<frame '$(gettext 'Options')'>
<label>'$(gettext 'Only simulate mirror')'</label>
<checkbox><label>'$(gettext 'View information')'</label><variable>CHECK2</variable></checkbox>
<label>'$(gettext 'Quick file compare')'</label>
<checkbox><label>'$(gettext 'Do not compare ownership')'</label><variable>CHECK4</variable></checkbox>
<checkbox><label>'$(gettext 'Do not compare date/time')'</label><variable>CHECK5</variable></checkbox>
<text><label>'$(gettext 'Exception file')'</label></text>
<entry accept="directory"><variable>EXCEPTION_FILE</variable><input>/tmp/pm_exception_dir</input></entry>
<input file stock="gtk-open"></input>
<action type="fileselect">EXCEPTION_FILE</action>
<frame '$(gettext 'info')'>
<text><input file>/tmp/pm_progress</input></text>
<button help>
<action>`Xdialog --wrap --screencenter --left --title "'$(gettext 'Pmirror - HELP')'" --msgbox "'$(gettext 'Pmirror is a simple backup system to make one directory like another. First run it will copy the entire source-directory to the mirror-directory. The mirror function will then just update the mirror-directory. It will delete files on the mirror-directory if they dont exist on source-directory. Be careful, think twice and check settings again.\n\nThe mirror-directory should not be on the same harddisk that you stores your main data. Do NOT think your data is safe when saving mirror-files on another partition. It is still the same disk, and when it crashes, it all does. If you have only one disk, it may be better to burn files to CD/DVD.\n\n- Pmirror is a GUI for the mirdir package (19k).\n- $HOME/ is where your personal data is stored (e-mail, bookmarks...)\n- Config file: $HOME/.pmirror_config. Created after first mirror.\n- See also mirdir documentation.\n- Paths in exceptions file should point to destination directories.\n- No warranty.\n\n')'" 600x0`</action>
<button cancel></button>
<button ok></button>
I=$IFS; IFS=""
for STATEMENTS in $(gtkdialog3 --program Pmirror); do
if [ "$EXIT" = "OK" ]; then
SOURCEDIR=`echo "$SOURCEDIR"/ | sed -e "s%//%/%g"`
MIRRORDIR=`echo "$MIRRORDIR"/ | sed -e "s%//%/%g"`
#-----bulid mirdir command
echo -e "mirdir \c" > /tmp/pm_mirdir
echo -e "-e "$EXCEPTION_FILE "\c" >> /tmp/pm_mirdir
if test $CHECK1 = true; then
echo -e "-i \c" >> /tmp/pm_mirdir
echo -e "\n $(gettext 'Pmirror will now simulate the backup process.\n If it all goes right, turn off the simulate option,\n and make a real mirror ....\n\n Choose OK to continue, and CANCEL to quit.')" > /tmp/pm_progress
echo -e "\n\n `eval_gettext \"WARNING!!!\n\n\n It may happend that Pmirror will delete files in \n \\\$MIRRORDIR .... \n\n Choose OK to continue, and CANCEL to quit.\"`" > /tmp/pm_progress
if test $CHECK2 = true; then echo -e "-v \c" >> /tmp/pm_mirdir;fi
if test $CHECK3 = false; then echo -e "-s \c" >> /tmp/pm_mirdir;fi
if test $CHECK4 = true; then echo -e "-o \c" >> /tmp/pm_mirdir;fi
if test $CHECK5 = true; then echo -e "-d \c" >> /tmp/pm_mirdir;fi
echo -e '"'"$SOURCEDIR"'"' "\c" >> /tmp/pm_mirdir
echo -e '"'"$MIRRORDIR"'"' "\c" >> /tmp/pm_mirdir
Xdialog --title "Pmirror" --screen-center --logbox /tmp/pm_progress 400x370
if test "$?" = "0"; then
#-----Run mirdir
Xdialog --title "Pmirror" --screen-center --no-cancel --logbox /tmp/pm_progress 400x370 &
/tmp/pm_mirdir >> /tmp/pm_progress 2>&1
FINALCHECK=`cat /tmp/pm_progress | grep -m 1 "compared"`
if test -n "$FINALCHECK"; then
echo -e "\n\n\n$(gettext 'It seems that all went well.')\n" >> /tmp/pm_progress
echo -e "\n\n\n$(gettext 'Something went wrong during backup.\n- Are the "mirdir" package installed?\n- Does source- and mirror-directory exist?\n- Have you defined a exception file in right terms?\n- Read messages above and Help.')" >> /tmp/pm_progress
#-----update config-file, if mirror without simulate option
if test $CHECK1 = false; then
echo "mirrordate=`date +%d/%m/%Y`" > $HOME/.pmirror_config
echo "sourcedir=$SOURCEDIR" >> $HOME/.pmirror_config
echo "mirrordir=$MIRRORDIR" >> $HOME/.pmirror_config
echo "exception_file=\"$EXCEPTION_FILE\"" >> $HOME/.pmirror_config
echo -e "$(gettext 'Configuration file is updated.')\n" >> /tmp/pm_progress
rm -f /tmp/pm_*
rm -f /tmp/pm_*
Аутор скрипте је
Sigmund Berglund
Обрати пажњу на pBackup линк на почетку поста.
Овде је упутство за употребу pBackup на неком другом дистроу.
Немој се збунити због датума, обе верзије су освежене.
Ако ти треба помоћ да распакујеш Puppy .pet пакете, јави се.