
Grafika, DTP, CAD i dizajn

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Post Napisano: 28 Mar 2017, 12:48

Darktable je open source aplikacija za razvoj raw slika i fotografski workflow. Ima opcije za uvoz, čuvanje, klasifikaciju, razvoj i uređivanje raw slika (iako podržava i kompresovane formate). Dakle, all in one aplikacija, slična popularnim closed source aplikacijama slične namene (Lightroom, Aftershot, itd).
darktable is an open source photography workflow application and raw developer. A virtual lighttable and darkroom for photographers. It manages your digital negatives in a database, lets you view them through a zoomable lighttable and enables you to develop raw images and enhance them.
Video tutorijali za Darktable
Zvanična strana
https://www.darktable.org/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

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Post Napisano: 28 Mar 2017, 12:56

Upravo čitam neku recenziju na netu u kojoj lik kaže da je primetio usporavanje pri radu sa kolekcijama kada je kolekcija dostigla 50.000 fotografija. Znači nije još uvek idelaan za velike kolekcije. Kaže čovek da je prešao na Digikam za upravljanje kolekcijom, ali još uvek koristi Darktable za razvijanje RAW datoteka. Više ovde.

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Post Napisano: 02 Apr 2017, 09:41

Proteklih mesec, dva dana imao sam priliku da koristim i isprobavam Lightroom i u odnosu na Darktable čini mi se da Lightroom ima manje modula i mogućnosti obrade nego što ima Darktable. Na Lightroom sam se brzo navikao i radni proces je bio nešto jednostavniji nego u Darktable ali to je to, meni lično je Darktable i brži i ima više mogućnosti.

Jedino što bi MOŽDA naveo kao manu za Darktable je to što postoji samo za linux OS. E sad, pored toliko prednosti, ova "mana" i nije neka mana :)
Use the source, Luke
SSZ irc kanal
Spread the Word, “CHOOSE SLACK! and Don’t look back.”

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Post Napisano: 02 Apr 2017, 10:48

stereo wrote:Proteklih mesec, dva dana imao sam priliku da koristim i isprobavam Lightroom i u odnosu na Darktable čini mi se da Lightroom ima manje modula i mogućnosti obrade nego što ima Darktable. Na Lightroom sam se brzo navikao i radni proces je bio nešto jednostavniji nego u Darktable ali to je to, meni lično je Darktable i brži i ima više mogućnosti.

Jedino što bi MOŽDA naveo kao manu za Darktable je to što postoji samo za linux OS. E sad, pored toliko prednosti, ova "mana" i nije neka mana :)
Postoji i za MacOS. :)

Neko je radio na Windows portu, ali nisam siguran da li je išta izašlo iz toga.


Ovde se nalazi izmenjeni izvorni kod za Darktable koji bi trebao da može da se kompajlira pod MSYS2 MinGW(64) okruženjem.

Ovo je nezvanično. Nije podržano od strane originalnog razvojnog tima.

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Post Napisano: 02 Apr 2017, 10:54

E da, tačno, ima i za Mac. Ja nekako zaboravio totalno na Mac :O
Use the source, Luke
SSZ irc kanal
Spread the Word, “CHOOSE SLACK! and Don’t look back.”

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Post Napisano: 27 Dec 2017, 13:00

Od verzije 2.4 je podržan i Windows (ako nekome znači taj info). Druga važna promena je da DT više ne kreira XMP metadatoteke ako originalne slike nisu izmenjene. Ostale promene možete naći u zvaničnoj objavi.

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Post Napisano: 09 Nov 2018, 21:57

Uređivanje raw fotografija sa Darktable-om i GIMP-om 2.10 (engleski):

I još jedan kanal sa gomilom Darktable tutorijala: Keifer Hunniford Photography.

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Post Napisano: 24 Dec 2021, 19:21

Toliko sveže da se još dimi:

Stigao Darktable 3.8.0

Ukratko iz objave o izdanju (engleski):
We're proud to announce the new feature release of darktable, 3.8.0!

Almost 3915 commits to darktable+rawspeed since 3.6
571 pull requests handled
265 issues closed

The Big Ones

The keyboard shortcut system has been entirely reworked and extended to allow you
to control darktable with other devices, for example, MIDI devices
and game controllers. Standard keyboard/mouse shortcuts can now make use
of mouse movements (horizontal, vertical, diagonal) as well as multiple
button/key presses and short or long presses/clicks.

Please note that any shortcuts you have previously created are not transferred
to the new functionality and will need to be redefined in darktable 3.8.

New diffuse or sharpen module, allowing you to simulate or to revert
diffusion processes to reconstruct images from lens blur, hazing,
sensor low-pass filter, or noise. It can also be used to simulate
watercolor smudges, increase local contrast, simulate blooming or
apply surface blur. Special rules can be defined to specifically
diffuse across or along edges, as well as to avoid sharpening or
blurring them.

New scene-referred blurs module, to synthesize motion and lens blurs in a parametric
and physically-accurate way. This module allows you to define the motion path or the lens
diaphragm and then generates the corresponding blur.

Perspective correction module has been renamed to rotate and perspective
and now allows you to manually define correction settings by drawing lines
or rectangles on the image (replicating keystone correction functionality
from the deprecated crop and rotate module)

Added support for multiple images in the print view. The page can be
filled with multiple areas, each of which can be moved around and placed on
the page with the ability to snap to a grid for precision.

A new LMMSE demosaic algorithm has been introduced. This algorithm is particularly
suited to high ISO and/or noisy images.

The composition guides from the crop module are now available globally and no
longer require the crop module to be activated.

The Canon raw CR3 format is now supported (see list of supported cameras in the
section below). This support is provided by LibRaw and requires at least exiv2 version
0.27.4 with BMFF support activated.

The color checker profiling tool, introduced in darktable 3.4 as part of the
color calibration module, is now normalized patch-wise in exposure to discard the effect
of uneven lighting and fall-off when shooting color checkers hand-held and on-location.
This robustly decreases the residual average dE after calibration and noticeably
helps to recover natural dark blues while preventing yellow shifts in highlights.
Više informacija i preuzimanje
https://github.com/darktable-org/darkta ... ease-3.8.0

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